



  重力選礦過程是不同粒度、形狀和密度的礦物 顆粒在重力和離心力的作用下分離;離心選礦使礦物顆粒受到的離心力是重力的幾十到上百倍,可以視為將礦物的密度差擴大了幾十到上百倍,從而使得輕重礦物更容易分離,其主要分選理論是離心流膜理論。


   常見的離心選礦機有臥式和立式 2 種。臥式離心選礦機的代表是國內的云錫式離心選礦機、SL 型射流離心選礦機、逆流離心選礦機、Slon 型離心選礦機。臥式離心選礦機在 20 世紀 90 年代有很廣泛的應用,但由于富集比低、耗水量大、不能連續作業及自動化程度低等缺點限制了其發展。立式離心選礦機的代表是國外的 Knelson 離心選礦機和 Falcon 離心選礦機。Knelson 離心選礦機比 Falcon 離心選礦機有更早的工業應用,也有較多的文獻介紹,但是有關 Falcon 離心選礦機文獻大多是工業試驗,具體的理論研究國 內文獻則只有為數不多的幾篇。筆者將論述 Falcon 離心選礦機的結構、原理、工作特性及工業應用,并與 Knelson 離心選礦機進行比較,分析其應用前景。 1 Falcon 系列離心選礦機 Falcon 離心選礦機是由美國南伊利諾斯大學和加拿大 Falcon 公司于 1986 年共同研制的強化重力選礦設備,經過 10 年改進和優化,加拿大 Falcon 公司于 1996 年投入生產應用。該設備處理量大、富集比高、水電耗量小、運行成本低、自動化程度高[1],能夠有效處理微細粒級顆粒,操作簡單,從而在各個領域得到越來越廣泛的應用,主要用于預選和掃選。目前 Falcon 有 3 個系列:即 Falcon SB (Semi-Batch) 半連續系列,Falcon C (continuous) 連續系列,Falcon UF (Ultra-fine) 超細系列。3 個系列的結構差異主要在于轉鼓,不同的轉鼓中礦物顆粒沉降方式不同。

Gravity separation process is separated under the effect of mineral particles of different size and shape and density of the gravity and centrifugal force; centrifugal separation of mineral particles to the centrifugal force by the gravity of tens to hundreds of times, can be regarded as the mineral density difference enlarges tens to hundreds of times, which makes it easier to separate the light and heavy minerals the main theory is the separation, centrifugal flow film theory.
There are 2 kinds of common centrifugal concentrator: horizontal and vertical. The representatives of horizontal centrifugal concentrator are domestic cloud tin centrifugal concentrator, SL jet centrifugal concentrator, counter current centrifugal concentrator and Slon centrifugal concentrator. Horizontal centrifugal separator has been widely used in 1990s, but its development is limited due to its low enrichment ratio, large water consumption, no continuous operation and low degree of automation. The representative of vertical centrifugal concentrator is Knelson centrifugal concentrator and Falcon centrifugal separator abroad. Knelson centrifugal concentrator has industrial application earlier than Falcon centrifugal separator, and also has many references, but the Falcon centrifugal concentrator literature is mostly industrial test, specific domestic literature theory research is only a few. The structure, principle, working characteristics and industrial application of Falcon centrifugal concentrator are discussed, and compared with Knelson centrifugal concentrator, and its application prospect is analyzed. 1 Falcon series centrifugal concentrator Falcon centrifugal concentrator is to strengthen the gravity separation equipment developed by the University of southern Illinois and Canada Falcon company in 1986, after 10 years of improvement and optimization, the Canadian Falcon company into production in 1996. The equipment of large quantity, enrichment ratio, water and electricity consumption of small, low operation cost, high degree of automation [1], can effectively deal with microfine particles, simple operation, resulting in various fields are more widely used, mainly used for qualifying and scavenging. At present, Falcon has 3 Series: Falcon SB (Semi-Batch) semicontinuous series, Falcon C (continuous) continuous series, Falcon UF (Ultra-fine) superfine series. The difference between the 3 series is mainly in the drum, and the different types of particles in the drum are different.




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